Sunday, December 02, 2007

ThE cHrIsTmAs BlOg StOrY

It was two weeks or so before Christmas with me decorating my blog. Not a grandchildren was quite not even the dog! I tried to get done without any interdiction. But to my dismay I couldn't even type. So off I went to calm the boys down ,listen I said Dominic , Harrison and Sage too. Christmas was coming in a week or so , I have to finish my blog, so please be good. And if they wasn't good SANTA wouldn't bring them any toys for Christmas. To my surprise they laugh out loud and said, SANTA loves us and sage too! So he bring toys and a bone or two for sage.So back I went to the blog determine to finish it all. But will I ever get done so much to do. I remember SANTA would never gave up. So I finish just in time for the party with you. HOORAY!!!!!!! I'm tired for now, some sleep I need. When I heard SANTA say "GoOd JoB dEbB"

I know I was done, Good Night To All Have a Happy & Safe Holiday too.

Love Debb, Dominic, Harrison and sage too.

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